Monday, May 31, 2010

Role of a debt settlement net branch in debt consolidation and settlement

A debt settlement branch usually caters to the customer service, creditor relations and negotiation processes of a debt settlement company. Hiring a debt settlement net branch ensures that you as a company marketing debt settlement services, save your time and resources and direct them towards marketing and business development. Outsourcing such back-end processes also helps you to save a substantial amount of money.

A debt settlement branch negotiates the debt amount with the creditors and persuades them to reduce it. A good debt settlement net branch is usually able to reduce this debt amount by almost 50% of the original amount payable! Once all different unsecured debts like credit card debts, personal loan etc. have been reduced, these net branches also have the know how to consolidate several high interest loans into a single low interest one. By this procedure, not only is the burden of debt is reduced to a great extent, but also it becomes more manageable.

About Settlement Corporation of America (SCOA)

Settlement Corporation of America - a debt settlement company working in affiliation with various debt settlement affiliate program.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Debt settlement servicing - a Brief

Companies providing debt settlement servicing ensure that the debtors do not have to deal with the creditors at all. Even the collection calls are redirected to the company’s office. The companies providing debt settlement client servicing provide 24x7x365 service to the debtors. The debt settlement companies can outsource their customer service, creditor relations and negotiation to these companies.

The companies providing debt settlement servicing negotiate the debt amount with the creditors to reduce it considerably. They also persuade the creditors to waive off the penalty charges and reduce the rate of interest on the negotiated amount bringing down the amount payable even further. These companies which provide debt settlement client servicing also have an association with several legal organizations and lawyers. This network of legal professionals provides discounted or free legal advice regarding taxation, insurance, identity theft etc to the debtors. They also provide legal counsel if the debtor is sued during the run of the settlement program.

About Settlement Corporation of America (SCOA)

Settlement Corporation of America - a debt settlement company working in affiliation with various debt affiliates.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What to look for in a good debt negotiation company

If you are considering providing debt negotiation servicing to debtors looking for debt settlement help, you should also think about an outsourcing partner to give out some or all of the back-end processes. There are many debt settlement back-end service providers in the market who will not only take care of customer service, but also negotiate debt settlement with the creditors on behalf of your debtor clients.

However, before hiring a backend debt negotiating service provider, you should ascertain some things apart from the fact that they can negotiate debt settlement with the creditors. It is important that these companies are a member of some regulatory body such as The Association of Settlement Companies (TASC) or the United States Organization for bankruptcy alternatives. These regulatory bodies provide membership only to established companies with proven ethical standards. At the same time, these companies should also have in their possession the latest state-of-the-art technology with which they can service your clients better.

About Settlement Corporation of America (SCOA)

Settlement Corporation of America - a debt settlement USA based company working in affiliation with various debt settlement net branch.